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EnorChile: 2022 presented the cleanest energy matrix of the last 12 years

This is indicated by data obtained through a digital platform created by the company, with detailed information on the generation of CO2 emissions in the country.

This is indicated by data obtained through a digital platform created by the company, with detailed information on the generation of CO2 emissions in the country. With an emission factor (EF) close to 293 kgCO2eq/MWh, the year 2022 becomes one of the lowest in terms of this indicator since the National Energy Commission (CNE) has kept records, that is, 12 years ago. years. This and other data were obtained through a platform created by EnorChile, where the generation of CO2 emissions can be seen graphically and intuitively, depending on the type of energy matrix. The public access portal is based on data from the National Electricity Coordinator (CEN) and the reference emission factors of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Pablo Caerols, general manager of EnorChile, explains that “December 2022 closes a good year in terms of emissions, something that has not been seen for a long time. Considering the increase in generation (+2.2%) compared to the previous year, together with the current FE, this means 5.92M less tonCO2eq, compared to last year or equivalent to reducing the vehicle fleet by 1.3 million of vehicles”, said the executive. Regarding the emissions factor for December, Caerols specifies that “last month it presented an increase in generation of 6.6% compared to November. The main changes in the matrix in December consisted of a decrease in the share of hydroelectric plants (-7.8%) and an increase in gas (+2.7%), coal (+1.9) and wind generators. (+1.8%). However, a very favorable year has come to an end in terms of the participation of renewable energies, generating renewable energy of more than 50%, being the highest in recent years”. As explained by the company, the platform, which provides detailed information on all the generators that exist today in the national energy matrix, also allows you to see the emissions of a single company or all of them and you can even distinguish the schedules in those with less or more emissions. The system stores the data and allows comparisons with the previous month and year.


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